Frederick Community Table

Frederick Community Table

Saturday August 17th, 4:30PM - 7:30PM

Location: Frederick Community Action Agency, 100 South Market Street, Frederick, MD US 21701

Church of the Redeemer is partnering with the Community Table Program operated by The City of Frederick. The City provides an evening meal seven nights a week, 365 days a year to anyone in need of a hot, nutritious meal. We will be serving approximately 100 people. This will be another opportunity to practically serve our neighbors in Jesus’ name.

Most of the men, women and children using the Community Table are homeless, but some are very low-income renters (including senior citizens) who come for a free meal in order to help make ends meet. The Community Table Program is operated by the DHHS. COR volunteers will be responsible to cook, serve and clean-up for the evening meal. And we will have a great time of fellowship as we labor together!

For those that would like to serve a “NEED LIST” will be sent by email a couple of times until the NEED LIST has been fully met. If you would like to receive the NEED LIST email, please register using the SIGN UP TO SERVE button below.

We hope you can serve at the Community Table.

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