Restoring Souls,
Releasing Dreams.

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Experience God's Best for Your Life!

At Church of the Redeemer, we want to empower you to

Connect with God & His church.
Grow into a fruitful, faithful follower of Jesus.
Sow back into God's Kingdom.

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Living Stones is your next step toward partnering with Church of the Redeemer. In these three sessions you will learn more about the history, vision, and mission of Church of the Redeemer and the importance of planting yourself and finding your place within the local church.



God’s will for your life is that you are always moving forward. Let us help you grow in every area of your life!


Sow: Serve Now

Do you want to make a lasting impact? Use your gifts and skills to advance God’s Kingdom and change lives forever!


Started January 4 & 5 Weekend

Current Message Series

What are your resolutions for the New Year? Maybe it’s to eat healthier, or exercise more, or learn a new skill? What about pursuing greater joy this year? We invite you to join us each weekend as we begin 2025, for our new sermon series, The Pathway To Joy — Actions and Attitudes That Make You More Than Happy. Let’s start the New Year off right, pursing priorities that will be truly life altering!

Learn More Invite Someone

Make an Eternal Impact

You can make a difference in people’s lives. Change someone’s life for eternity today.


The Pathway to Joy Series

Latest Message:
#6 Move Forward

It’s not enough to get out of reverse gear spiritually; we also need to get into forward gear and accelerate!

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