
We are passionate about offering products that inspire, encourage, and guide, no matter where you are on your walk with Jesus.

25 Christmas Lessons That Will Lift Your Life To New Levels

Decorations, festivities, and family gatherings make Christmas a wonderful time each year. In the midst of all our celebrations, it’s important to remember the real reason for the season.

These 25 devotionals will help you renew your appreciation for the wonderful gift of Jesus Christ to the world and each of us. Your worship of God will be refreshed!

This year will be Your Best Christmas!

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What’s One of the Most Important Habits You Can Develop?

It’s gratitude! Health professionals often describe the many benefits people experience when they are consistently thankful. “How To Grow Your Gratitude” explores some key steps in the process of becoming a more grateful person—and how this will change your life!

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Reflections on the Real Meaning of Christmas

Over 2,000 years ago, God sent a host of angels to shepherds near Bethlehem with a history-changing announcement: “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” — Luke 2:11

The message spoken by the angels that night was, is, and always will be a message for all! Through the pages of this devotional you'll be reminded of the same Good News the shepherds heard that night, and the difference it makes in lives today -- including your life!

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Your words matter!

Positive changes happen in us when we know, believe, confess and obey God’s Word. When we agree with what God says about us, our minds are renewed, and our choices and habits improve. In this new book from Pastor Dale O'Shields, you will find 25 biblically-based affirmations that will help you think right about God, yourself, others and the world.

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Improve Your Thoughts

The human brain can have 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts each day. As much as 80% is negative, untrue thinking. When you improve your thoughts and your way of thinking, your life drastically improves. This 21-day interactive journal contains powerful Scriptures that will help you counteract destructive thinking patterns. Learn to use the Word of God to transform your thinking about yourself, others, and the world.

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Espresso for the Spirit, First Serving

Getting a good start each day requires some motivation and inspiration. We need fresh spiritual encouragement that stimulates our mind and heart, awakening us to the possibilities and opportunities God has planned for us. In Espresso for the Spirit, Dale A. O'Shields shares daily motivation and inspiration that will help you understand and apply God's Word to the unique challenges you are facing.

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Espresso for the Spirit, Second Serving

Getting a good start each day requires some motivation and inspiration. We need fresh spiritual encouragement that stimulates our mind and heart, awakening us to the possibilities and opportunities God has planned for us. In Espresso For The Spirit, Second Serving, Dale A. O'Shields shares daily motivation and inspiration that will help you understand and apply God's Word to the unique challenges you are facing.

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Espresso for the Spirit, Third Serving

Need help to get and stay motivated? Then these 72 espresso shots for the spirit are for you! By investing just five minutes each morning for 12 weeks—once each weekday and once on the weekend—you’ll receive fresh spiritual encouragement that will stimulate your mind and heart, and awaken and empower you to the possibilities and opportunities God has for you.