Shuttle Bus Stops

Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I wait for the shuttle?

The shuttle makes stops at each bus stop along the path of each route.

What time should I be waiting for the shuttle at my stop?

We encourage you to be at your shuttle stop 5-10 minutes earlier.

How does the driver know I want to go to church?

Once you see the bus approaching, make yourself visible and communicate to the driver by waving.

What time do I arrive at church from each route?

You arrive at church at least 20 minutes before the service starts.

I’m a first-time guest riding the shuttle, what should I do when I get on the bus?

Please let our driver know you’re a first-time guest, and the driver will notify the dispatcher to have a greeter walk you in.

What time does the shuttle leave after the conclusion of the service?

Shuttle leaves 15 minutes after the conclusion of the service.

I missed the shuttle, what should I do?

Call Church of the Redeemer at 301-926-0967 and leave a voicemail.

Our shuttle drivers are happy to answer or find the answer to any of our questions related to Church of the Redeemer.